Capitol One - Slingshot software redesign

Capital One is looking to improve Slingshot, their data management software. Slingshot is a data management software that helps businesses manage cloud costs and automate critical cloud governance.

Role: Senior Product Designer
Agency: Funsize
Duration: May 2021 - Apr 2022

The Challenge

Our goal is to redesign the interface to help users easily scan their data. A new data component system was introduced to help reduce cognitive load so users can digest complex data effortlessly.

The Approach

Research & UX

  • Leveraging existing data to improve features and make informed design decisions

  • Conduct qualitative and quantitative research with Capitol One stakeholders

UI & Component Library

  • Redesign interface to achieve a more user-friendly and digestible data software

  • Audit component library for ADA-compliant


  • Propose a blue-sky strategy for a self-service forward software to help users resolve their issue and help learn the software

The Solution

Data viz refinements

Our team recognized issues with the amount of information given to users at a certain time. The redesign aim to avoid overloading users with more data than they can effectively process. This is achieved by leveraging an updated data visualization system and applying Gestalt psychology to better group similar information together.

Interface redesign

Users had to learn new information visualization for every type of data set. due to graphs and data visualization treatments being inconsistent throughout the software. This takes a toll on how users can effectively process data and their ease of use with the software.

A new data viz system is to be created and implemented to reduce cognitive load for users.

Self-help documentation

For future blue-sky strategy, we suggested implementing a “Documents” or self-help section for new users, “how-to”s, and any errors users may face. This will help guide users to confidently use the software effectively without having to reach out to the Capitol One team for assistance.



Sucess Measurements

  • Heatmap: navigation and dropoffs

  • User errors

  • User filing complaints